Collection: Safran House - Colby Smith and Stephen Tschopp

Now based in Greymouth Colby Smith was born in Cleveland, Ohio. She worked widely as an illustrator for various newspapers and magazines, also painting protest banners for issues close to her heart. Since 2010 she has lived with her partner Stephen Tschopp in their small art-farm in Camerons on New Zealand's West Coast. Presently a large portion of her time is spent as a practicing tattoo artist running her own studio.

Stephen Tschopp was born in Basel Switzerland and emigrated to New Zealand at the age of 11. It was during his studies in London that he began working in Serigraphy (Screen Printing). He spent the next 10 years working as a poster artist, designing and printing numerous Rock and Electronic music posters and album covers. He is currently focusing on art prints and posters featuring a quirky, contemporary feel.