Jed Seward's grubbs have become his most popular creation and has been sold in numerous galleries around Aotearoa as well as having a solid following internationally. Jed’s hunts Grubbs with a butterfly net in a secret forest near Auckland- believed to be the landing site pf the Grubb Mothership. He was raised by wolves. Grubbs are creatures from a faraway planet that arrived on Earth via a hot wired Voyager probe from the 1970s that subsequently crash landed in the Great forest. I obtain them mainly through bribes of Woowoo berries, failing that, a butterfly net.
Jed hunts Grubbs with a butterfly net in a secret forest near Auckland - believed...
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Jed hunts Grubbs with a butterfly net in a secret forest near Auckland - believed...
Jed hunts Grubbs with a butterfly net in a secret forest near Auckland - believed...
Sold Out
Jed hunts Grubbs with a butterfly net in a secret forest near Auckland - believed...
Jed hunts Grubbs with a butterfly net in a secret forest near Auckland - believed...
Jed hunts Grubbs with a butterfly net in a secret forest near Auckland - believed...