Porcelain Prints

Liz Downey

Prints on Porcelain by Marlborough ceramic artist Liz Downey of Weka Pottery

Is it paper is it clay? In fact, it’s both!

Inspired by the interplay of printmaking and ceramics, Liz has developed a unique process for creating Prints on Porcelain wall tiles. These works combine the delicate nature of paper with the durability of clay, resulting in pieces that are both visually ambiguous and functional.

Using a variety of printmaking, photographic and ceramic techniques, Liz creates designs on porcelain paperclay. Each piece is fired 4 or 5 times at temperatures up to 1260°C, ensuring its strength and versatility.

These prints are perfect for (self-)framing and can be displayed in both wet and dry environments. They offer a unique and portable piece of New Zealand inspired art that bridges the gap between paper and clay.

Each piece is handmade and therefore may vary from those pictured.

8cm x 8cm - ready to hang

(all measurements are approximate)
